Savings Rates

Account Name Min. Balance to Earn Dividends APY


$100.00 0.15% Apply Now


$0 0.10% Apply Now

Christmas Club*

$0 0.50% Contact Us

Special Savings

$0 0.15% Contact Us

IRA Savings

$0 0.50% Contact Us

Money Market

$0 - $9,999 0.10% Apply Now
$10,000 - $24,999 0.15% Apply Now
$25,000 - $99,999 0.20% Apply Now
$100,000 or more 0.25% Apply Now

APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Dividends are credited and compounded monthly. This schedule is incorporated as a part of your account agreement with the UHFCU. Minimum balance requirements apply to daily balance. Rates are subject to change at any time as determined by the Board of Directors. Rates are accurate and effective as of 1/1/2017 and are subject to change without prior notice. Fees or other conditions could reduce the earnings on the account. If you have any questions or need current rate information, please call (808) 983-5500 or contact us through our Contact Us page.

* For Christmas Club accounts, the entire balance, minus the required minimum opening deposit, will be transferred to your Savings account on or after November 1st and the account will remain open. Any balances exceeding $5,000.00 will revert to the Savings Account dividend rate. You may not make withdrawals from your Christmas Club accounts at any other time. If you wish to access the funds in your Christmas Club accounts, you may close it. If you close your Christmas Club accounts, you will be charged a fee of all accrued uncredited dividends. However, any accrued dividends will be paid to you if you close your account within seven (7) days of the date the account is opened.

Certificate Secured Rates

Mortgage Product Term APR*

Certificate Secured

Certificate Term 2.50% over dividend rate Contact Us

IRA Certificate Rates

IRA Certificates Min. Balance to Earn Stated APY APY*

12 to 23 months (IRA)

$500.00 0.50% Contact Us

24 to 35 months (IRA)

$500.00 0.75% Contact Us

36 to 47 months (IRA)

$500.00 1.00% Contact Us

48 to 59 months (IRA)

$500.00 1.25% Contact Us

60 months (IRA)

$500.00 1.78% Contact Us

* APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Certificate rates remain fixed for the term of the Certificate. Unless otherwise paid, dividends for all Certificates will be credited to your account and compounded monthly. Fees or other conditions could reduce the earnings on the account. A penalty may be imposed for withdrawals before maturity. Rates are accurate and effective as of 1/1/2017 and are subject to change without prior notice. If you have any questions or need current rate information, please contact us.
** Available for new money only. Dividends compounded and credited monthly. A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawals. The interest rate and APY are subject to change. Other terms and conditions apply. Fees could reduce earnings on account.

Regular Certificate Rates

Regular Certificates Min. Balance to Earn Stated APY APY*

6 to 11 months

$500.00 0.25% Contact Us

12 to 17 months

$500.00 0.50% Contact Us

18 to 23 months

$500.00 0.65% Contact Us

24 to 35 months

$500.00 0.75% Contact Us

36 to 47 months

$500.00 1.00% Contact Us

48 to 59 months

$500.00 1.25% Contact Us

60 months

$500.00 1.78% Contact Us

* APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Certificate rates remain fixed for the term of the Certificate. Unless otherwise paid, dividends for all Certificates will be credited to your account and compounded monthly. Fees or other conditions could reduce the earnings on the account. A penalty may be imposed for withdrawals before maturity. Rates are accurate and effective as of 1/1/2017 and are subject to change without prior notice. If you have any questions or need current rate information, please contact us.

Share Secured Rates

Mortgage Product Term APR*

Share Secured

144 months 2.50% over dividend rate Contact Us

Special Certificate Rates

Special Certificate** Min. Balance to Earn Stated APY APY*

Regular 16-Month

$10,000.00 0.65% Contact Us

IRA 16-Month

$10,000.00 0.65% Contact Us

* APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Certificate rates remain fixed for the term of the Certificate. Unless otherwise paid, dividends for all Certificates will be credited to your account and compounded monthly. Fees or other conditions could reduce the earnings on the account. A penalty may be imposed for withdrawals before maturity. Rates are accurate and effective as of 1/1/2017 and are subject to change without prior notice. If you have any questions or need current rate information, please contact us.
** Available for new money only. Dividends compounded and credited monthly. A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawals. The interest rate and APY are subject to change. Other terms and conditions apply. Fees could reduce earnings on account.


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