0% APR or $4,500 Cash Incentive!

While low-rate financing options from dealers seem like great offers, they are usually available only to well-qualified buyers. Plus, when you take the financing offer, you typically are not eligible for cash incentives or rebates. Instead, do the math! You may be able to save money by:

  • Coming to UHFCU first and getting pre-approved for your car loan, and
  • Taking the consumer cash incentive from the dealer instead of the low-rate financing.

Not convinced? Check out this example on a $30,000 vehicle. In this case, you can either get 0% financing for 60 months or a cash incentive of $4,500:

Dealer Financing UHFCU Financing
Rate for 60-Month Loan 0.00% APR* 1.85% APR*
Vehicle Price $30,000 $30,000
Down Payment $2,000 $2,000
Consumer Cash $4,500
Loan Amount $28,000 $23,500
Monthly Payment $467 $410
Total Savings with UHFCU (including interest paid): $3,378

By financing with us at a rate of 2.85% APR*, you’ll lower your monthly payments and save $3,378 over the course of the loan. So before you go to the dealer, check our rates and do the math – or let us help! Chances are, you’ll save more money.
Using different numbers?

Try our financial calculator to determine if you should take the rebate or dealer financing.

* Annual Percentage Rate. Sample only. Please see our current rates.


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