*Annual Percentage Rate (APR).

Data is accurate as of March 20, 2017, excludes any promotional deals and additional fees, and assumes: *One (1) roundtrip economy ticket. Departing flight HA#206 from Honolulu to Kahului on 5/16/2017 and return flight HA#205 on 5/23/2017. **One (1) roundtrip economy ticket. Departing flight HA#216 from Honolulu to Kahului on 5/28/2017 and return flight HA#205 on 6/04/2017. ***One (1) roundtrip economy ticket. Departing flight HA#103 from Honolulu to Lihue on 5/16/2017 and return flight HA#110 on 5/23/2017. ****One (1) roundtrip economy ticket. Departing flight HA#102 from Honolulu to Hilo on 5/16/2017 and return flight HA#141 on 5/23/2017.Results may vary. 1 According to www.hawaiianairlines.com. HawaiianMiles is a registered trademark of Hawaiian Airlines, Inc. 2 According to www.rewardsprogramtravel.com.


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